Perfect Yorkshire Puddings Every Time!

No roast dinner is complete without Yorkshire Puddings. I have tried for years to find the perfect recipe, with mixed results – until now!

From his ‘Ministry of Food’ book, here is Jamie’s foolproof recipe for perfect Yorkies, every time:


3 large free-range eggs

115g plain flour

285ml milk

a pinch of sea salt

vegetable oil

Method: (I’m paraphrasing this)

Whisk all the ingredients together to form a smooth batter and leave to rest for at least 30 minutes (I put mine in the fridge).

Turn up the heat on your oven to its highest setting.

Pour a little vegetable oil into each hole of a 12-hole muffin tin.

Heat the oil in the oven for at least 15 minutes or until it’s smoking (this step is vital!) If the oil isn’t hot enough they won’t rise and you will have stodgy Yorkshire ‘Muffins’.

Pour the batter into the muffin tin and put quickly back in oven, turning temperature down to 230c. Keeping oven door SHUT, cook for around 15 minutes or until well risen and crispy. Do NOT be tempted to open the oven door before the time is up because they WILL sink! If you like yours super crispy then leave them in for longer.

And that’s it! If you follow this recipe, you will have perfect Yorkies every single time, just like these…..

Jamie Oliver, we love you ❤️❤️❤️

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